If you are looking at my website it means that you might be having difficulties with your relationships, you might feel stressed, anxious or depressed or you might want to improve your emotional well-being in order to live a more fulfilling life.
Individuals and couples prefer to see me because I offer them a professional attitude as well as a comfortable space where they have the opportunity to explore in depth their personal difficulties in a non-judgemental, honest and respectful atmosphere.
I will encourage and support you to talk openly about yourself, your feelings, thoughts, values and beliefs, manly those that cause you emotional pain. It is the best way to find out how your past is affecting your present and how you can change your future by means of the choices you make.
I will work together with you to clarify the problems and challenges you face and identify possible changes you would like to make. In order to achieve this it is fundamental that we establish a good professional relationship based on respect, trust and integrity.
Ultimately, your happiness depends on your self-reliance, your willingness to take responsibility of your own life. It is about taking control of your present circumstances, thinking for yourself and making the right decisions.
If you would like to explore further, you can see the details of my counselling service in Chichester (see contacts below).